Expert System for Mobile Consulting Services with Position Detection |
Istiadi Faculty of Engineering Widyagama University of Malang Malang, Indonesia Dedi Usman Effendy Faculty of Engineering Widyagama University of Malang Malang, Indonesia Emma Budi Sulistiarini Faculty of Engineering Widyagama University of Malang Malang, Indonesia Rudy Joegijantoro 3Department of Environmental Health Science Widyagama Husada College of Health Malang, Indonesia Abstract This paper aims to provide an overview of the development of an online consulting service model using an expert system with position detection. A service center is provided as a central provider of knowledge bases for service applications. Knowledge base is represented in the form of a database. Service applications include development applications, web and Android-based consulting applications, and position monitoring applications. Cases used are infectious diseases with examples of dengue fever. Position detection is done when the results of the consultation indicate that the user has the potential to experience an infectious disease. Position data will be read by the consultation application via GPS. The test results show that the system is able to differentiate the results of the consultation decision to detect the position when the user is potentially infected with the disease. The results of the detection of this position can be used for monitoring. Download Paper Publication Date 27/11/2018 ISBN 978-602-53524-0-9 Copyright
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